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How to become an innovative entrepreneur

 1. An  Entrepreneur

 An entrepreneur is a person who is involved with doing business or small business to make a profit.

 An entrepreneur has the ability to see, discover, or create a wide range of economic opportunities and adding creativity or value. An entrepreneur aims at making a profit or income.  One can be born an entrepreneur or can learn in the classroom or through the community around him.

 1.1 How to become an entrepreneur.

 An entrepreneur is a person who is able to adapt to challenges and achieve a Progressive Life and  meet his goals.An entrepreneur always seeks support for things beyond his control. And Tries to identify the talents and  experiences and use them in the opportunities that surround him and start the journey of entrepreneurship even if it is to a lesser extent for personal development and National as the whole. 

1.2 Do you want to be an entrepreneur?

 >Have a habit of engaging with people who work and do business successfully.

>Set goals and visions for the future, build confidence and keep promises really, meaning make them your borrow and repay them on time.  

>Do not give up until you can do it completely and have goals that are achievable, by noting them down and work on one after another (assets without a notebook it's vain) .

>Work on your goals diligently and evaluate yourself for your success. 

 >Be a positive thinker and gratitude for everything you have and what you get, try to see the good for and from everyone and from the environment that arounds you. 

 >Learn from the challenges you face and respect your time and time of others by using it efficiently and effectively.

 >Perform your work following your timetable  and struggle to finish all within time.


 1.3 Things to avoid on struggling to be an entrepreneur.

 • Do not allow your time to be wasted - if you are not employed try it think of anything that can add value and  make it really.Avoid inactivity because it is a sign of mental decline and irresponsibility.

 • Do not underestimate the value of what you have - relationships (network) ,talent, health, education, experience and the little you have,remember others used it to start an entrepreneurial journey.

 • Don't be a man of reason - one's success depends on effort. It's about 95 percent of success is due to efforts.

 • Promises - Do not promise things you cannot or will not fulfill do not be deceived.

 • Do not be obsessed with things and dependents on analyzed ideas of your peers and do what you believe is right.

 • Despair - When you encounter challenges or obstacles do not give up on your desire, learn from those challenges and move on.

 1.4 Innovation in business & entrepreneurship

 Business or entrepreneurship that  does not have creativity is outdated and abandoned. If you want success in entrepreneurship just generate positive ideas and keep them on actions. 

      >Innovation helps businesses attract customers, increase sales, profits and growth.   >Innovation contributes to growth of your business and increases market competition strengths.

 Always ask yourself if there is a good way to increase the size of the business, even if it is 70 times and more there is still room for business development.  Do things differently when you make mistakes or fall learn from mistakes, learn from different sources including clients,competitors,books,consultants,networks,governments, news, radio, television and so on.  Try new things by doing them in a different way.

 1.5 Do  Financial Management effectively in your business.

 Financial management refers to how  one manage revenue and expenditure in his or her business to achieve a  specific goal.

 1.6 Do Savings.

 You will not succeed if you do not save what you earn for development of your future, the fruits of tomorrow depend on what we sow today and your savings give you the seeds to plant for your fruits tomorrow.   >Take care of little savings . If you don't keep the savings no one will believe in your money and with savings it will help you in the event of an emergency.

 >Set aside the amount of savings you earn from income before you use it, keep your money safe and secure in a safe investment.   >Invest your savings to grow as in stocks, livestock, land or farm or plot.  

 1.7 A good way to borrow for your business.

 Loans are used for investment and demand, if you do not make good use of the loan you can go bankrupt and lose some of your valuable assets. 

>Do not use your loan as an income for food and family expenses, borrow where you grow up with a business and the need and readiness for taking a loan should be for to use it well on production.

 >Carefully consider the priorities of your loan need and capacity to repay the loan or repay it on time and avoid unconditional loan repayment.

 >Many people make a mistake on taking a loan and buy a car, Please use your loan on production. This situation has brought down and bankrupt the majority.

 1.7 Business start-up capital.

 The secret to entrepreneurship is to start with what you have, Your capital can come from your savings, savings and family assets or from the lender, a loan from family, friends, neighbors, banks, VICOBA or parties.

> Everyone should start with what is possible and this will differentiate them al Self-management, job creation and building relationships with people are very important than cash in hand or cash at bank.  If you want to be an entrepreneur use creativity and start with what you have, other people will trust you and lend you and you will fulfill your entrepreneurial goals.

 >If you know your talent you can use it to start an entrepreneurship.

 You can find a talented person and work with him or her to set up business for your talents.  You can use the money given to you by the father or mother, guardian or Friend as capital, many young people have used this method for starting a business even while studying or after their studies.  Make sure people those who know you understand what you are doing so they can help you to become successful, to get two clients you have to have talked to customers

 1.8 Setting Goals.

 Objectives are maps and a vision that you set to guide you to reach or accomplish something, Something in the future.  The mission is to show the direction of the place as you move, so goals are also an absolute vision of success.

 1.9 The Importance of Goals.

 Without goals you do not need to work hard or be architect, without having your personal goals you will end up working for the goals of others in your life.  Without goals you can start something, something that does not exist in your goals. Without goals you will not know which direction,  focus on your life and you will not grow up without priorities.

 Build a vision of whom you want to be! Or What you want to achieve in life .If it is income, how many Dollars per month or year You want to earn?  

 Achieve your goals by developing simple plans to get you there,build close monitoring by making corrections where necessary.

 2.0  Use of Telecommunications or Telephone in your business.

 There are various ways you can use it as  phone and ICT for your business.  There are various methods and guidelines on the Internet that you can succeedthrough in businesses.   >Through social networks many people  share some information that can make you successful, you can use email or the internet to find answers to challenges and find solutions to problems.

 >Market, most traders use ICT (telephone and internet) to recognize and reach the Market (facebook, Whatsup, Instagram).

 >Keeping records, “Assets without a register disappear without information”.  With the use of mobile and the internet, entrepreneurs can keep information or records of their business on their phone (sales, consumption, and daily income.).

Enjoy your days by choosing to be creative, creativity and innovative actions will build in you an entrepreneurial character.

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